Mercado de San Telmo

I’m in trouble.
I’m in serious danger of falling in love with Buenos Aires. This is getting dire. And I still haven’t actually seen any live tango yet.

Last weekend I walked down to San Telmo. The weather was beautifully dark and cloudy and foreboding of rain – my kind of day. I set out early in the morning, as I am wont to do.
Still early and dark enough that the lights were on.

There were these interesting looking squares embedded in the asphalt here and there and I thought they were artistically appealing.



I guess art is where you find it.


Speaking of which, there are lots of murals in the area.

When I finally made it to San Telmo (it’s quite a walk from my hostel), it was just beginning to rain. Here are a few of my pics from that day.







Such beautiful architecture to see inside. From what I understand, it was built in 1897 and designed by the same man who designed Recoleta Cemetery – Juan Antonio Buschiazzo.

I couldn’t tell if this sculpture was made using rusted metal screen or some sort of basketry. It was hanging up pretty high overhead. Anyway, I really like it.
There weren’t many stores open because of the rain, which was gushing by then. Also, because of the rain, the street vendors were nearly non-existent that day, so I walked back to the hostel, arriving soaked through.
And I went back the following Sunday (today).


On the way, I saw this gentleman busking, singing opera.
I’m not a huge fan of opera, normally, but I’ve always appreciated the talent and skill. This man brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful voice.



Empty streets….. for now.



Clear skies today.





More lovely architecture along the way.








I wish this place had been open. It looked really interesting. I love the name:

The Melancholy Ruffian.


I just sort of stumbled upon this place. There are so many doors and alleys and streets to ramble down, I could easily have missed it. Who knows what I have missed?






I guess you could call it sort of a ‘mall.’ There are little stores around every corner in what is an old home.












I lurv this mid-century modern furniture place. It’s

Anyway, on to the outdoor market…

Back inside the market, it was much busier than it had been last time I was there. But I didn’t stay long. I’d been walking a lot these last two days and my feet were pretty sore. I need to learn how to say “shin splints” in Spanish, because I feel them coming on.
But the Museum of Modern Art is just around the corner from the market and I wanted to go there first, so of course, I did.
Photography is not allowed inside, but there were some interesting exhibits. I got to see a painting by Piet Mondrian, which was pretty great.
They had one exhibit in which you could take photographs, but without flash. Before entering a very dark room, you were told to walk along the wall around the entire room. It was so interesting. It was spider webs!

A guard asked if I wanted my photo taken and I thought, “Sure, why not?”
It was definitely time to head back to the hostel. I was exhausted from all the walking and I was hungry. Plus, I had to go to the bank ATM to get some cash so I could actually buy some food. Along the way I looked for places to eat and hardly anything was open. Then I remembered my favorite restaurant here in B.A. is open on Sundays. I’m going to do a post about it soon. Such good food and great atmosphere. It’s called Vita.
Anyway, time to kick back and eat some leftovers!

10 thoughts on “Mercado de San Telmo

  1. Wow. The copper pots and pans! The architecture and murals! Be careful of your feet and ankles – so you can keep exploring and so that I/we keep getting to see these great photos and experience BA through your eyes. Xoxox


    1. It’s so hard to quit – to realize, ‘Okay, time to get off your feet and sit for a while!’ When I’m already in the area, I want to see as much as I can. But, you’re right – I do need to take care of my bad-tempered feet/ankles. :/


    1. ‘Manders, you sweetheart, you! I fear anything you may send in the mail will get lost in some bureaucratic, language-crossed shuffle before it can reach me – especially since I’ll be leaving the area soon. Can I make a promise to you that I will absolutely, definitely get an umbrella if I find it absolutely, positively necessary?
      I promise! Girl Scout’s honor! Thank you so much for such a kind thought, dear friend. ❤


  2. hey sweetie, so wonderful to travel the streets of BA with you. of course if I were there i’d drive you mad. LOL
    I’m learning finally at 67 to listen to my body and take a break when it tells me. so hard to obey.
    put a big plastic bag in your backpack for rain. you won’t need an umbrella, unless it’s relentless. 🙂 I’m so happy you’re loving it. Ily, sister


  3. Wow!!! The Spider webs are awesome! Did you see any spiders? I love your ability to see and capture such incredible pics. Beautiful places! Hope to fly there someday. 🙂


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